Our mission at the Celebrate Hope is to:
Embrace people dealing with addiction, loss, or other hurts, habits or hang-ups.
Equip people with tools for recovery & renewing skill sets to use in their daily challenges in life.
Empower people with knowledge, support and hope.
Encourage people to discover and move towards their God-given purpose in life.
Envision people set free from addiction and toxic behaviors and assist them in living healthier and balanced lives.
Celebrate Hope Center collaborates with like-minded Organizations, Churches, Ministries and Businesses to embrace and assist the addicted into recovery and guide the hurting families to find healing and restoration.
Support Groups Especially Designed (12Step, Parental, Overcomers, Celebrate Recovery, Grief)
Long & Short Term Treatment Placement
Transitional Coaching After Care
Recovery Coaching One on One
CRPA & CSAC-T Counseling
Detox Referrals and Placement
District Attorneys Hope Program
Narcan Training
Community Outreach
Men's Only group. Overcomers is a Christ-centered 12 Step support group which ministers to individuals, their families and loved ones who suffer from the consequences of any addictive behavior. We recover together as we do our Step work and grow in God's Word. This group has a warm welcoming approach and atmosphere. The recovery that men experience is transforming.
Women's Only group. B.A.M. – (Begin Again Ministries) is a support group for women who are dealing with the pain of addiction in home, Co-Dependency, Denial, Compulsive Behavior or addiction. For themselves or their loved ones. This group has a warm welcoming approach and atmosphere. The recovery and healing that takes place in this group is life changing.
Pastor Joe Chevere leads the Next Step Co-Ed group which teaches individuals how to bring their recovery and faith together through learning biblical principal and establishing new convictions in their life. Next Step Group welcomes everyone that is ready to take that next step. The atmosphere is Inviting and warm.
Eddy Cain leads this Co-Ed group. Immovables is a support group for anyone dealing with addiction, hurts, habits or hang-ups that utilizes the 12 Steps in the journey of recovery. This group has a welcoming and compassionate approach.
Copyright © 2025 Celebrate Hope Recovery Center - All Rights Reserved.
Romans 5: 1-4